7 Popular Pieces Of Business Advice You Should (Politely) Ignore



Ever heard the phrases ” think big” and “the customer is always right?”

While this advice may be applicable to some businesses, such comments may be dangerous when applied to all scenarios.

Here are some suggestions from the Business Insider on which pieces of advice to (politely) ignore when it comes to your small business: click here to view the article.

Working “Smarter,” Not Harder.



It’s time to work smarter; not harder or longer.

Here are 5 work productivity tips from Business Insider that actually work:

1) Limit your to-do list;

2) Measure your results, not your time;

3) Build “getting ready to work” routines.

4) Track what you’re wasting time on; and

5) Build habits to help you stop working.


To view the whole article, click here.

3 Things Wealthy People Do Differently

Crystal ball, descending line graph and share prices. Image shot 2009. Exact date unknown.

HuffPostSmallBiz have some interesting ideas about “What Wealthy People Do Differently.”

Do you agree with these three? Click here to view the article.

Does Your Small Business Need a Digital Health-Check?

Website Freshness

As the online face of your business, your website should accurately represent your company and be one of your biggest selling tools. If it’s looking dated, or if online traffic has tailed off, it’s worth taking a fresh, honest look.

Give your site an honest appraisal by asking these seven questions: click here to view the article

Sweeping Away a Search History

Search History


Privacy matters for many reasons, both tangible and not, hence it’s wise to exercise control when and where you can. By protecting your online search history, you are protecting a wealth of personal information. Here are some tips to help stem the flow: click here to view the article.

Employers use new measurements for hiring


In the age of big data, recruiters demand that job seekers show all the right metrics. Read the full article via Crain’s New York.

“With the right metrics in place, it’s a lot easier to move forward,” said Ms. Walzer, whose business is profitable. “They are now key for us.”

[ba-button link=”http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20140225/PROFESSIONAL_SERVICES/302239996/employers-use-new-measurements-for-hiring” color=”blue” target=”self”]Read Full Article [/ba-button]


Give Me Back My Online Privacy


With online privacy becoming more and more scarce every day, people are fighting back to keep their online activity as private as possible. Read the full article via the Wall Street Journal.

“The fears about privacy are widespread. According to the Pew Research Center, half of Americans—up from 33% in 2009—are concerned about the wealth of personal data on the Internet.”


[ba-button link=”http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304704504579432823496404570?mg=reno64-wsj&url=http%3A%2F%2Fonline.wsj.com%2Farticle%2FSB10001424052702304704504579432823496404570.html” color=”blue” target=”self”]Read Full Article[/ba-button]

18 Things Highly Creative People Do Differently

Colleagues talking in office hallway

While there’s no “typical” creative type, there are some tell-tale characteristics and behaviors of highly creative people. Here are 18 things they do differently. Full article via the Huffington Post: The Third Metric.

Research has suggested that creativity involves the coming together of a multitude of traits, behaviors and social influences in a single person.

[ba-button link=”http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/03/04/creativity-habits_n_4859769.html” color=”blue” target=”self”]Read Full Article [/ba-button]

The Self(ie) Generation


We seem to be experiencing a wave of liberal-minded detach-ees, a generation in which institutions are subordinate to the individual. Read the full article via the New York Times bellow.

“Although half of millennials describe themselves as independent, 57 percent say their views on social issues “have become more liberal” over the course of their lives.”

[ba-button link=”http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/08/opinion/blow-the-self-ie-generation.html?_r=0″ color=”blue” target=”self”]Read Full Article[/ba-button]

Warren Buffett Gets Away With Paying His Employees Less By Using This One Weird Trick


Discover how Warren Buffet gets away with paying his employees less, in this article via Business Insider. The answer, is actually quite simple.

“Buffett never skips a chance to emphasize that he treats people humanely, and that Berkshire is a family. This has allowed him to buy companies at lower prices, and get top talent for cheaper than the levels he considers obscene.”

[ba-button link=”http://www.businessinsider.com/warren-buffett-pay-2014-3″ color=”blue” target=”self”]Read Full Article [/ba-button]