Marketing Trends For 2015: Mobile Marketing Will Dominate

  One of the biggest trends for marketers to observe in 2015 is the prominence and dominance of the mobile consumer. A number of interesting points can be made on this topic: Mobile is estimated to be the primary channel for paid search by the end of 2015. Having a website optimized for mobile, and […]

The Six-Chair Meeting Theory

Lew Cirne is the Chief Executive of New Relic, a software analytics company based out of San Francisco. In a recent interview with Adam Bryant of the New York times, Cirne discussed his approach to management and meetings: As an executive, don’t fall into the trap of wanting everyone to like you: “You can’t get […]

Make Accountability and Learning a Habit

Natarajan Chandrasekaran is the CEO of Tata Consultancy Services, an Indian multinational IT service, consulting and business solutions company headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra. In a recent interview with Adam Bryant of the New York Times, Chandrasekaran opened up about his approaches to leadership, learning, and the importance of accountability: Learning is achieved by culture, not mandate: “Everyone has to take […]