Finding the Perfect Team for Your Business


Barney Harford is the chief executive of “Orbitz” Worldwide, a leading global online travel company. In a recent interview with Adam Bryant of the New York Times, Harford explains the importance of “Finding a Team That Fits to a T.” Some excellent, and incredibly relevant, points were raised in the article:

  • Successful organizations have to foster creativity and innovation at all levels: Harford insists that it’s important to help team members learn about other parts of the organization so that they can “connect the dots between what’s going on in their area and what’s going on elsewhere.”
  • Seek “T-shaped” individuals: T-shaped individuals are people who can go really deep into their particular area of expertise, but also have the capacity to go broadly when needed. If you rely only on executives to identify opportunities, you’ll be missing A LOT of potential.
  • Create a culture of openness: Open communication, and the sharing of information, is important. You can achieve this through the use of weekly newsletters and informative emails that focus in on different parts of the company.
  • Look for a career trajectory on a résumé: The time in which a candidate made achievements is indicative and predictive of how they will progress within your company. Look for people who have curiosity, passion, and energy, who are well-prepared for their interview.

Click here to view the entire article in the New York Times.

4 Ways To Build Your People Skills

Good Comm

Effective leaders need good interpersonal communication skills. 

Try these techniques for communicating better with your colleagues:

1) Use affirming language;

2) Offer suggestions rather than criticisms;

3) Limit how often you express unsolicited opinions; and

4) Adjust your preferred communication style.


Click here to view the related Business Management Daily article in full.

Say Goodbye to Privacy


Data containing information about what people do has created corporations worth billions of dollars.

While storage of vast amounts of data has led to hugely valuable benefits from analysis and correlation, it also has led to a significant erosion, if not almost complete destruction, of any meaningful concept of privacy.

Click here to view the related article in The Wall Street Journal.

The Privacy Paradox

The Privacy Paradox | The New York Times

What kind of value do we place on convenience?

When it comes to paying the price with our privacy 56% of Americans say NO! This “privacy paradox,” as the New York Times calls it, is also presenting a challenge for businesses:

Click here to view the article in full.


The power of your actions is preceded by the power of your words. The idea here is to speak with power to bring out the best in yourself and others.

This article from The Huffington Post suggests we work to eliminate words with negative connotations and replace them with words that have positive mental connections.

Click here to view the whole article.

When Titles Get in the Way

RYAN CARSON | Chief Executive of "Treehouse" an online education platform.

RYAN CARSON | Chief Executive of “Treehouse” – an online education platform.


I have often thought that titles get in the way when growing a small business.

What do you think?

Click here to view the entire article from the New York Times.

The Startup Mass Extinction


Is “The Startup” in danger of becoming extinct?

The fact that most new businesses fail is hardly a secret. So why are so many people gambling on ventures that are likely to end badly?

This article from James Surowiecki at The New Yorker Financial Page helps answer some tricky questions in the contemporary climate of entrepreneurial business: click here to view the article.

The Best Financial Advice for Small Business Owners Now



When it comes to managing your small business, these 3 tips should be considered closely:

1) Access Capital Now;

2) Engage Rather Than Employ;

3) Have A Lean Start-Up.


Click here to view the whole article VIA Forbes.

7 Popular Pieces Of Business Advice You Should (Politely) Ignore



Ever heard the phrases ” think big” and “the customer is always right?”

While this advice may be applicable to some businesses, such comments may be dangerous when applied to all scenarios.

Here are some suggestions from the Business Insider on which pieces of advice to (politely) ignore when it comes to your small business: click here to view the article.

Working “Smarter,” Not Harder.



It’s time to work smarter; not harder or longer.

Here are 5 work productivity tips from Business Insider that actually work:

1) Limit your to-do list;

2) Measure your results, not your time;

3) Build “getting ready to work” routines.

4) Track what you’re wasting time on; and

5) Build habits to help you stop working.


To view the whole article, click here.