Emerging Web Conglomerates Affect Buying Strategies

With a steady stream of head-shaking acquisitions, Google, Facebook, and other Internet Giants are speedily transforming themselves into web conglomerates. While this is unquestionably making fortunes for the venture capital industry, it does beg the question whether is can be good news for everybody else. The giants’ buying sprees have not only created a handful of powerful young millionaires; […]

In A War With Hackers, We Are On Our Own

When it comes to online security and privacy we live in a troubling time. Not only do we run the very real risk of having our passwords and personal information hacked, we risk being taken advantage of by companies that are looking to capitalize on, and make money from, our vulnerability. We must remember that the […]

Can You Really Handle the Entrepreneurial Life? Check These 5 Signs.

So you’re thinking of starting your own company or small business? Before you dive into creating a business plan, you need to assess an important question: Are you ready for the entrepreneurial life? Here’s a checklist to help you answer that question: 1) It’s all you think about; 2) You’re beyond determined; 3) You turn criticism […]